In a pinch, you could get home on foot.
在万不得已时, 你可以步行回家.
——《简明英汉词典》A friend is someone who will come to help you in a pinch.
互联网Six people, and more in a pinch, could be seated comfortably at the table.
这张桌子可以舒舒服服地坐六个人, 如果有必要, 还可以多坐.
互联网Bathroom rugs will work in a pinch.
互联网I'd trust her in a pinch.
柯林斯例句However, there a vast chasm between helping out in a pinch and being overly accommodating.
不过, 必要时的帮助和过分的热心可是有着天壤之别的.
互联网Whenever Bob is in a pinch, he calls me out.
互联网I can lend you money in a pinch.
互联网Everyone knew he was in a pinch.
柯林斯例句I will help you in a pinch.
辞典例句If you are in a pinch, ask me for help.
互联网In a pinch, you can use something like Scotch tape.
虽然非常贵, 但是确实是最好的选择,因为使用非常方便.
互联网Have you ever been in a pinch? Did you have enough confidence to overcome it?
你的人生中是否遇到过困境 呢 ?你是否有充足的信心去度过这些难关 呢 ?
互联网LL: It is my pleasure. I am always glad to help a friend in a pinch.
我们都知道你是乐于帮助朋友解决困难的. 好,现在要想办法解决你的问题了.
互联网In a pinch, dab on a little honey and then cover with a bandage.
紧急情况下, 涂上一点蜂蜜,然后用绷带包扎.
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